Annual Seminar
Date: November 19, 2013
Location: Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
Program: 8:45am-5:10pm
Corporate and political leaders face unprecedented challenges in navigating an increasingly fluid, asymmetric and volatile global risk landscape. Executives must align operational risk management programs and strategy with emerging social, reputational and cyber risks. Proactive risk management will help companies maximize new opportunities in high-growth markets, make the most of their investments, manage reputational risks and lower their long-term operating costs. The 2013 Annual Seminar will offer new strategies, critical analysis and practical tools for effectively managing future political, security and integrity risks.
8:00 – 8:45 Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 – 9:00 Introduction: Jim Brooks, President & CEO, Control Risks (Americas) 9:00 – 9:45 – The Global Context: Convergent Complexity
Control Risks’ Global CEO Richard Fenning and Michael Moran, Vice President of Global Risk Analysis, map the relentless shifts that have made long-term risk and security planning a daunting and unavoidable part of every corporation’s strategy. Plus, the debut of our 2014 RiskMap, laying out the challenges for next year and beyond as emerging markets slow down and developed markets fail to pick up the slack.
9:45 – 10:45 Lessons Learned: Tales from the Front Lines in Egypt and Libya
Control Risk experts Jeroen Meijer, James Fallon, James Blakeney and Grant Strudwick of our partner, International SOS, look at two harrowing instances that proved once again the necessity of business continuity planning: Libya and Egypt. From protecting brand integrity and supply chains to the lives of employees and their families, these events showed that there is no replacement for having resilience designed right into the corporate DNA. We’ll look at the best practices that showed their value on the streets of the modern Middle East.
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:15 Featured Panel- China Crisis: A Year of Living Dangerously for Multinationals
John Macpherson, head of Control Risks’ Crisis and Security Consulting practice in Asia, describes the sea- change in anti-corruption regulation in the world’s most important emerging market and what corporate risk, legal and security teams must do to avoid falling afoul of Chinese authorities. Following the presentation, our panel of experts (James Blakeney, Bliss Khaw, Ashley Smith, John Macpherson) examines what corporations need to do to get up to speed on the rapidly changing business environment in China. Q&A will follow.
12:30 – 2:00 Lunch – The Future of Intelligence: Threats and Capabilities Over the Horizon
Dr. Bruce Riedel, Senior Fellow for Intelligence, Brookings Institution, former senior CIA official for counter-terrorism, South Asia and Middle Eastern Affairs. Dr. Riedel’s 29-year career in consistently pivotal roles at the CIA makes him a living repository of modern intelligence history. His views on the future of the intelligence community are compelling and influential and bound to provoke questions, which will be entertained after his remarks.
2:15 – 3:30 Breakout Session One (Attendees will be able to attend two of the three during the afternoon)
The Oil and Gas Revolution: Shale and Offshore, Risk and Opportunity
Control Risks’ experts look at the emergence of a radically different oil and gas industry in the Western Hemisphere as, with breathtaking speed, the shale and tight oil revolution in North America and a reforming, high-tech offshore boom in Latin America have changed the game. The shale gas and tight oil booms may come from beneath solid rock, but they are not yet written in stone and they will need pipelines and other infrastructure to carry them to market. Regulatory risk hangs over the US industry even as it powers forward. To the south, the rising potential of Brazil and Mexico, along with Colombia’s steady production record, contrasts with a dysfunctional sector in Venezuela. We’ll review the state of play and provide advice on how the world’s best have met these challenges head on. With Simon Whistler, Justin Clark and Geert Aalbers. Moderated by Jim Brooks.
The Coming Infrastructure Boom: How Cities Will Make Us or Break Us
The OECD estimates that the cost of maintaining and expanding infrastructure over the next 30 years will amount to $71 trillion, just a bit less than the combined annual output of all the world’s economies. Most of this demand will come from the world’s exploding urban centers, driven by the expectations of their striving, growing middle classes and the need to innovate as cities of millions become megacities of tens of millions. Control Risks has embarked on a major study of these dynamics and how they will affect everything from supply chains to commodity prices to the way national grids, currency systems and transportation networks are build, maintained and secured. Control Risks’ Iain Donald, Nicholas Watson and Marco Leijnse will share some early results of our study and suggest how corporate strategy should prepare. Moderated by Michael Moran.
Atlas Served: The Brave New World of Risk
Brazil’s most renowned magnate, Eike Batista, brought low; top officials of multinational giants in China and India jailed on corruption charges; Dutch citizens arrested under Russia’s new “gay propaganda” charges. In South Africa, mining companies fear labor unrest could push the ANC government to nationalize the industry. How can multinational players keep up with the changing rules and seemingly arbitrary regulations? John Macpherson, John Kula, Gavin Parrish and Alison Taylor lead a panel that details the risks of depending on US-centric legal solutions to solve legal problems that cross borders, language and jurisdictional barriers. Moderated by Angela Mancini.
3:30 – 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 – 5:00 Breakout Session Two (repeat previous sessions)
5:00 – 5:10 Closing Remarks and Conclusion (Jim Brooks/Richard Fenning)
Hotels are in high demand due to other events in the city so we recommend that travelers book their hotel accommodations early.
Follow us on Twitter @control_risks for updates.
For questions, please reach out to
We look forward to seeing you in November!
Control Risks is a global risk consultancy specializing in political, security and integrity risk. The company enables its clients to understand and manage the risks of operating in complex or hostile environments. Through a unique combination of services and wide geographical reach and by adopting a close partnership approach with clients, Control Risks helps organizations effectively solve their problems and realize new opportunities around the world.